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Are you having trouble with our web site? Here are some tips to help you out:

This site uses HTML5 which most modern web browsers support. If the pages don't look right you could try another browser. This site has been built and tested using the Safari browser.

About Purchasing Items:

When you purchase items through this site, your payment is handled through PayPal® so that we are not responsible for storing your financial information in our system. You will need to have a valid PayPal® account to complete the purchase. Please double check your shipping address to make sure it is correct. We are not responsible for lost shipments due to incorrect shipping information. All items ship when we receive notification of a completed payment.

Sales Tax:

We consider this web site to be a store, and this store resides in the state of Pennsylvania. Due to that fact, we collect and remit 6% Pennsylvania State Sales Tax on all applicable purchases. We generally include this amount in the stated price of the item. If your state requires you to submit Use Tax on items that you purchase online, we believe that purchases from this site would except you from this requriement because you have purchased an item in the State of Pennsylvania and have paid all applicable Use Tax in the State where the item was purchased. You should consult someone familar with the laws in your state to make sure our belief is correct. Our products sold through other online sources may follow other rules as to Sales Taxes.
More Questions?
Contact Us if you are still having problems.