My Music & Videos

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I sell my music all over the world, and I have enjoyed communicating with many interesting people. They have relayed stories of using my albums for relaxation, yoga, massage, meditation, and for background music while working, creating art, and entertaining.

The internet has also allowed me to collaborate with others on recording without being in the same location. This link is to a recording made with a handpan playing friend, CJ Monzyk, who lives in Iowa. He emailed me his handpan song file, and I added vocal tracks. There are no plans to put it on a album at this time, but I hope you like it!

I am often asked by people if they can use my recordings in their own projects.
Click here to read my Music Licensing Policy.
(Please note that "Ad Blockers" may prevent the Youtube® videos from being visible.)

Music    (Click to see 5 Music Items)

Janet's album featuring the PanART Hang.

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  2. Adrift
  3. Heyah
  4. Surreal
  5. Sanguine In Six
  6. Olana
  7. Elixir
  8. Oona
  9. Suspended
  10. Hang Loose
  11. Tag
  12. Fairy Song
  13. Notes Intertwine
  14. Slo Mo
  15. Rosemary
  16. Oh Why

Click the triangle for Play or Pause of a track.

I have found that most people who decide to buy my music want recordings of just the handpan and my vocals. That has caused my Hang Suasion album to become overlooked, as people shy away from it when they discover it contains guitar, flute, and piano tracks.

Ethereal contains favorite songs from Hang Suasion, re-recorded, with only vocal and handpan tracks. Each song is noticeably different than the original version. Ethereal also includes several songs from my very first album, Listen With Your Eyes Closed. That album from 2008 is no longer available. Again, favorite tracks were re-recorded, with new variations.

With my brand new songs added to the list, Ethereal totals 15 songs and plays over 66 minutes ~ enough to cover an hour session of yoga or massage. So get comfortable and enjoy these Ethereal songs ~ may they help to create the ambience you desire!

Blessings and peace,

Twelve tracks include vocals, while the remaining three songs are handpan solos. Total playing time is just over 66 minutes with the songs arranged to compliment yoga sessions.

Buy this album on CD
$15.00 Each

Part Number: JMS201309CD   Manufacturer: SPAHRSTUDIOS.COM
UPC Code: 8 8450198095 1

Download Ethereal from iTunes® Store

Created by: Janet Spahr
Published by: Janet Spahr
Janet Spahr ©2013


Mindful Journey

The NEW Handpan album from Janet Spahr.

Listen To Samples



  2. Labyrinth
  3. Mindful Journey
  4. Quietude
  5. Misty Morning
  6. Amulet
  7. Hidden Canyon
  8. Assured
  9. Procession
  10. Intent
  11. Meadowland Waltz
  12. Mountainside Chapel
  13. Reverie
  14. Twilight
  15. Star Gazing
  16. Desert Path
  17. Oasis
  18. Mirage

Click the triangle for Play or Pause of a track.

After waiting on Pantheon Steel's list for my Halo handpan for over five years, I am happy to offer these compositions which were inspired very soon after it arrived in December 2014. (Eight years almost to the day after receiving my very first handpan in December, 2006!)

The Equinox tuning of my Halo lends itself to melodies expressing contentment, tranquility and joy, along with songs of yearning and contemplation. I have purposely kept the tempo of the songs on this album slower than any of my other albums, ensuring a very relaxing listening experience.

I readily admit that I am not a percussionist, as so many handpan players are. The fast tempos and varied techniques which some players use are quite impressive, but not what I strive to master. I love to sing and play simply for enjoyment, and am blessed to get many wonderfully complimentary responses from listeners! There is something nearly magical about the music of handpans, and I feel very privileged to share my expressions with this intriguing instrument.

This 69 minute album is ideal to use for meditation, yoga, massage, healing arts and creative activities in addition to providing lovely ambience to everyday settings. Five of the songs on this album are instrumental only, whereas twelve compositions include my wordless vocals. I think you will love the harmonies produced by my layered vocal tracks ~ thanks to technology, I can become a choir!

Come along with me on this Mindful Journey which is sure to add peace to your surroundings.

Namaste, Janet

(The CD is currently available only on this website and at my performances.)

Buy this album on CD
$15.00 Each

Part Number: JMS201507CD   Manufacturer: SPAHRSTUDIOS.COM
UPC Code: 8 8829529884 1

Created by: Janet Spahr
Published by: Janet Spahr
Janet Spahr ©2015


Hang Suasion

Janet's magical vocals, the Hang, and other tastefully included instruments.

Listen To Samples



  2. Shruti Offering
  3. Elixir
  4. Oh Why
  5. Suspended
  6. Swing It
  7. Adrift
  8. Sanguine in Six
  9. Buoyant
  10. Swing It Slow
  11. Notes Intertwine
  12. Wirbel
  13. Fairie Reprise

Click the triangle for Play or Pause of a track.

Hang Suasion was, released in 2010. This album features the handpan, with Janet playing several other instruments (including flute, guitar, shruti box, percussion and piano) added gently to many of this CD's compositions for added texture. Eight of the thirteen tracks include her lovely wordless vocables, and many of those songs also have her own vocal harmonies which add dimension and develop these songs more fully than those of her previous album. This music is very gentle and joyous. Some even consider it spiritual music. Total length of this album is just under 51 minutes.

Buy this album on CD
$15.00 Each

Part Number: JMS201003CD   Manufacturer: SPAHRSTUDIOS.COM
UPC Code: 8 8450131312 4

Download Hang Suasion from iTunes® Store

Created by: Janet Spahr
Published by: Janet Spahr
Janet Spahr ©2010


Serene Dream

This album will create a peaceful place for you to relax.

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  2. Pure Essence
  3. Journey Begins
  4. Serene Dream
  5. Skipping On Moonbeams
  6. Cochimi
  7. Flourish
  8. Kaleidescope
  9. Refreshing Falls
  10. Song Of The Sprite
  11. Paisley Pathway
  12. Peach Blossom
  13. Starshine Sky
  14. Bamboo
  15. Daydream Drifting
  16. Willow In The Breeze

Click the triangle for Play or Pause of a track.

Janet combines the mesmerizing tones of the handpan with her gentle, joyful vocals to create music which nurtures relaxation, meditation, and creativity. This album is intended for use in yoga classes and in any setting where an atmosphere of tranquility and harmony is desired.

Ten tracks include vocals, while the remaining five songs are handpan solos. Total playing time is just over 69 minutes, with the songs arranged to compliment yoga sessions.

Buy this album on CD
$15.00 Each

Part Number: JMS201210CD   Manufacturer: SPAHRSTUDIOS.COM
UPC Code: 8 8450181329 7

Download Serene Dream from iTunes® Store

Created by: Janet Spahr
Published by: Janet Spahr
Janet Spahr ©2012


Dance Fairies Dance

The Band From Fairyland

Listen To Samples



  2. Dance Fairies Dance
  3. Everything's Grand
  4. Ayo!
  5. Paint The Sky Blue
  6. Solitary Fairy
  7. Carpet Ride
  8. Fairyland
  9. Forever Grateful
  10. Planet Rap
  11. I'm So Happy

Click the triangle for Play or Pause of a track.

Dance Fairies Dance began after Oona the Fairy visited a fairy festival this spring. She quite enjoyed the festival, with all of its wonderful music, creative performers and friendly folk of the fairy world, but noted with some regret that there were no Fairy Bands. She was inspired then and there to create music especially for and about Fairies. People from all realms, however, will enjoy and celebrate life with her music, made to inspire and entertain all creatures who have ears to hear and like to dance.

Download fifteen free RINGTONES from the original fairy dance band! All fifteen tones are included in one compressed file.

Buy this album on CD
$15.00 Each

Part Number: JMS201203CD   Manufacturer: SPAHRSTUDIOS.COM
UPC Code: 8 8450171067 1

Download Dance Fairies Dance from iTunes® Store

Created by: Janet Spahr
Janet Spahr ©2012



Video    (Click to see 6 Video Items)
Notes Intertwine Video (2008)

This may be the first produced music video featuring the Hang - it's not your typical camcorder pointing at the player.
This is a promotional video we shot for Janet Spahr's first album "Listen With Your Eyes Closed". Although this song is not on the album it has the same feel and mood.

Created by: Janet Spahr
Published by: Janet Spahr
Janet Spahr ©2008


Spoutwood Fairie Song Video (2008)

A week or so before Janet was to perform at her very first Fairie Festival, she was inspired to compose this song. Capturing the spirit of this wonderful event, this video is a window into the fanciful world that springs into existence each May.

Be sure to attend next year for an experience you won't forget!

If you are looking for more fairies go to

Created by: Janet Spahr
Published by: Janet Spahr
Janet Spahr ©2008


Serene Dream Video (2012)

The title song from Janet Spahr's 2012 album "Serene Dream" released by SPAHRSTUDIOS.COM. Janet combines the mesmerizing tones of the handpan with her gentle, joyful vocals to create music which nurtures relaxation, meditation, and creativity. This album is intended for use in yoga classes and in any setting where an atmosphere of tranquility and harmony is desired.

Ten of the fifteen tracks on the album include wordless vocals, while the remaining five songs are handpan solos. Total playing time is 70 minutes with the songs arranged to compliment yoga or meditation sessions. By the way, there are no birds singing on the album version, we couldn't get them in the recording studio.

This video was shot with a Nikon D3100 DSLR at Children's Lake, Boiling Springs, PA.

Created by: Janet Spahr
Published by: Janet Spahr
Janet Spahr ©2012


Come To Spoutwood Video (2012)

Janet wrote this song for a promotional video for the Spoutwood Fairie Festival. If you have never been to the festival, chances are this will make you want to go! Go to The Spoutwood Fairie Festival site for more information about this wonderful event, which is celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year.

And if you want an in-depth look into the history of the festival and hear what the people behind the scenes have to say, go to Glen Rock Fae movie web site for a trailer of the new full-length documentary of the Spoutwood Fairie Festival.

For more info on The Spoutwood Fairie Festival:

For more info on the documentary "Glen Rock Fae":

Created by: Janet Spahr
Published by: Janet Spahr
Janet Spahr ©2012


Dance Fairies Dance Video (2012)

Unique family friendly pop that is pure fun with a positive, uplifting message.

Dance Fairies Dance began after Oona the Fairy visited a fairy festival one day. She quite enjoyed the festival, with all of its wonderful music, creative performers and friendly folk of the fairy world, but noted with some regret that there were no "Fairy Bands". She was inspired then and there to create music especially for and about Fairies. People from all realms, however, will enjoy and celebrate life with her music, made to inspire and entertain all creatures who have ears to hear and like to dance.

Download fifteen free RINGTONES from the original fairy dance band! All fifteen tones are included in one compressed file.

We hope you enjoyed our homage to some famous "moves" and album covers from the past.

A very special thanks to Posie The Fairy (Dana) for all her help in putting together the costumes and make up!

Created by: Janet Spahr
Published by: Janet Spahr
Janet Spahr ©2012


Oh Why Video (2013)

There has been one video produced for each of Janet's albums so far.
This song is more wistful than Janet's typical, soothing music, thus the subdued setting. The vision for this video had come many years ago when Oh Why was first written, but the opportunity to make it happen took awhile (yes, Ethereal was released a few months ago.) We hope you will enjoy and pass it along.

Janet is playing a 2nd generation Hang by PANArt.

Created by: Janet Spahr
Published by: Janet Spahr
Janet Spahr ©2013